HTML Forms


Whenever you want to collect information from visitors you will need a form, which lives inside a <form> element.

Information from a form is sent in name/value pairs.

Each form control is given a name, and the text the user types in or the values of the options they select are sent to the server.

Description courtesy of HTML&CSS: design and build websites by Jon Duckett

HTML Forms

Tag Description Example
<form> This element is responsible for collecting information to send somewhere else. <form action="/example.html" method="POST">
action This attribute determines where the information is sent. action="/example.html"
method This attribute is assigned a HTTP verb that is included in the HTTP request. method="POST"
Input Element
<input> This element creates an input field on the page. (Self-closing). <input type="text" name="username" value="your name here">
type Attribute of <input> determines how it renders on the web page and what kind of data it can accept. type="text"
text Value for type which restricts user input to text. type="text"
password Value for type which replaces input text with another character line an asterisk (*) or a dot (.) type="password"
number Value for type which restricts what users type into the field to just numbers (and a few special characters like -, +, and .). type="number"
step Attribute of <input> which creates arrows inside the input field to increase or decrease by the value. step="1"
value Attribute for <input> creates a pre-filled text field that users can see when the page renders. value="your name here"
id Attribute for <input> which links the <input> to the <label> when it's value is the same as the <label>s “for” attribute. id="username"
name Attribute of <input> that connects the input to a value when sent to database. name="question1"
Multiple Option Inputs
<textarea> Used in place of <input> to create a bigger text field for users to write more text. We can add rows and cols to determine the amount of rows and columns for the <textarea>. <textarea id="blog" name="blog" rows="5" cols="30">
range Value for type which limits user number entries with a max and a max value. You can also set the step value to make the slider more fluid. <input id="doneness" name="doneness" type="range" min="0" max="5" step="1" value="3">
checkbox Value for type which creates a checkbox menu of options. Requires a value attribute for naming. <input id="anchovy" name="topping" type="checkbox" value="anchovy">
radio Value for type which creates a multple choice input with only one option. <input type="radio" id="two" name="answer" value="2">
Dropdown List
select Used in place of <input> to create a dropdown list of options. <select id="lunch" name="lunch"><option value="pizza">Pizza</option></select>
option Used between opening and closing tags of <select> element to create options for dropdown list. <option value="pizza">Pizza</option>
Datalist Input
list Attribute for <input> which links the <input> to the <datalist> when it's value is the same as the <datalist>s "id" attribute. list="cities"
<datalist> Used along with <input> to create a dropdown list of options. <datalist id="cities"><option value="New York City"></option></datalist>
option Used between opening and closing tags of <datalist> with a "value" to create options for dropdown list. <option value="New York City"></option>
Label Element
<label> this element tells users what the <input> is for. It has an opening and close tag and displays text that is written between the opening and closing tags. <label for=”username”>Your Name</label>
for Attribute for <> which links the <label> to the <input> when it's value is the same as the <input>s “id” attribute. for="username"
Submit Form
submit Value for type which creates a submit button. type="submit"
value Value for input. It's contents change the label on the button. THIS IS OPTIONAL value="Send"

Descriptions courtesy of Codecademy

Additional Form Types

Tag Description Example
file Value for type which allows users to upload a file. The value attribute is required. <input type="file" name="user-song">
image Value for type which allows you to use an image for the submit button. <input type="image" src="/example.jpg" width="100" height="20">
date Value for type which allows you to restrict user response to a date. <input type="date" name="depart">
email Value for type which checks that an email was provided. <input type="email" name="email">
url Value for type which checks that a url was provided. <input type="url" name="website">
search Value for type which creates a search box with a single line of text. You can use placehoder attribute to add words inside the text line. <input type="search" name="search" placeholder="Enter keyword">

Grouping Form Elements

Tag Description Example
<fieldset> this element tells users what the <input> is for. It has an opening and close tag and displays text that is written between the opening and closing tags. <fieldset>
<legend> Attribute for <> which links the <label> to the <input> when it's value is the same as the <input>s “id” attribute. <legend>Contact Details</legend>

HTML Form Validation

Tag Description Example
<input> This element creates an input field on the page. (Self-closing). <input type="text" name="username" value="your name here">
required Attribute of <input> to require that an input be filled out. required
min Attribute of <input> to set a minimum allowed value. Used for type that require number values such as number and range. min="1"
max Attribute of <input> to set a maximum allowed value. Used for type that require number values such as number and range. max="10"
Checking Text Length
minlength Attribute of <input> to set a minimum allowed characters for a text field. minlength="5"
maxlength Attribute of <input> to set a maximum allowed characters for a text field. maxlength="250"
pattern Attribute of <input> to assign it a regular expression, or regex. Regular expressions are a sequence of characters that make up a search pattern. If the input matches the regex, the form can be submitted. pattern="[0-9]{14,16}" checks that the user provided only numbers and the entered at least 14-16 digits

Descriptions courtesy of Codecademy